Dalai lama quotes on happiness
Dalai lama quotes on happiness

dalai lama quotes on happiness

But not this year, due to the pandemic-so, like the rest of the world, we met by Zoom. Ordinarily around this time, I visit him at his monastery in Dharamsala, India. Beyond our writing and interviews, he has given me personal advice that has deepened my religious faith, guided my career, and improved my relationships.

dalai lama quotes on happiness

To take his message to heart means setting yourself apart from the orthodoxies that rule our culture-including, perhaps, some that you don’t even know are influencing your assumptions and limiting your thinking.į or the past seven years, one of my most treasured collaborative friendships has been with His Holiness. In contrast, the Dalai Lama asks us to treat others gently as sisters and brothers, even if they disagree with us to love unconditionally to reject self-centeredness, which he sees as the source of unhappiness. Today, conventional wisdom too often teaches that people who disagree with us are obstacles we must coerce others to follow our wishes happiness is supposed to come from getting exactly what we want. You could easily be persuaded that he is a fairly anodyne figure, someone who endeavors only to bring peaceful, good feelings in a turbulent world, without disrupting any established dogmas.īut listen closely to his still, small voice, and you will receive transgressive truths. His message, always delivered softly and calmly and punctuated with infectious laughter, soothes the spirit in a world of shouting. In our noisy world, they are easily missed or dismissed.Ī living example of this paradox comes from Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people and global leader of Tibetan Buddhism.

dalai lama quotes on happiness

We might call this the paradox of prophecy: Many of the most profound truths come not in shouting and scandal but, rather, in a whisper. Rather, He came to Elijah in a “still small voice,” which compelled Elijah to draw near, so he could hear it. As the prophet waited for God’s message to him, there was a wind so strong that it “broke the rocks in pieces,” but God was not there. I n the Old Testament, God often communicates with His people through violent events: floods, plagues, wars.

Dalai lama quotes on happiness how to#

“ How to Build a Life ” is a weekly column by Arthur Brooks, tackling questions of meaning and happiness.

Dalai lama quotes on happiness